Forest School Trips and Workshops provide one-of-a-kind experiences like no other. By taking pupils and students out of the classroom and into an engaging natural environment whether that is in a woodland setting or fields a short walking distance from a school or on a schools ground, Forest Schools provide a rich and diverse interaction with nature and the environment around you which compliments the national curriculum studies in a hands on way, furthering their understanding and interest within this subject from primary/ secondary through to A levels.
Forest School Workshop Activities could include the following:
- Experience Nature/Wildlife around you on walks that include sensory for touch and smell
- Foraging, learning about food sources in woodlands and the surrounding environment
- Shelter building, sleeping under the stars by building these important structures
- Explorer your immediate environment on a mini beast hunt (Ecology)
- Experience physical skills when climbing Trees
- learning practical woodland skills buy building shelters
- Learning about wood land crafts and tools for woodwork and nature Art
Pupils and students will have the opportunity to really appreciate nature in a way they may have never done before. In a world of increasing urbanization and growing dependence on technology, it is important for students to escape from everyday life and learn about the changing natural environment and identify environmental impacts of Forest School activities.