Television & Film Studio / Set Tours
Ever seen your favourite soap or film on T.V. and wished you could be in it, well now you can as we have some great school trip studio tours and school television tours on UK School Trips. Your pupils, students & educational groups can experience learning in a distinctive environment that will inspire and engage by being on that film or soap set. Being able to see and feel props and enjoy interactive tours which can meet national curriculum learning objectives and exam board specifications.
Ever seen your favourite soap or film on T.V. and wished you could be in it, well now you can as we have some great school trip studio tours and school television tours on UK School Trips. Your pupils, students & educational groups can experience learning in a distinctive environment that will inspire and engage by being on that film or soap set. Being able to see and feel props and enjoy interactive tours which can meet national curriculum learning objectives and exam board specifications.
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Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – the Making of Harry Potter
As the books were still being released while the films were being made, the production crew saved many of the iconic sets, props & costumes that were created especially for the films - just in case they were ever needed later on in the series.