Hazard observed |
Who may be harmed? |
Risk rating before controls
Consequence x Likelihood= |
Control Measures |
Risk rating after controls
Consequence x Likelihood= |
Control measures by:
Initial |
Injury as a result of road traffic accident |
children/young people, staff and foster carers |
- Use of reputable coach operator.
- Ensure drivers do not exceed specified driving rest periods.
- All group members to sit forward facing and wearing seatbelts at all times except to go to the toilet – one at a time or to supervise the pupils.
- Members of staff to be positioned adjacent to emergency exit of coach (and minibus where appropriate).
- Pupils are not to sit on the seat behind driver or to speak to or distract the driver in any way.
- Driver not to use mobile phone whilst vehicle in motion.
Falls from moving vehicles |
children/young people, staff and foster carers |
- Strict supervision at all times
- Pupils to be given clear safety instructions prior to disembarkation and told to stay seated until vehicle has stopped.
- Members of staff to be positioned adjacent to emergency exit of coach (and minibus where appropriate).
- Children/young people should be broken down into smaller groups for embarkation / disembarkation.
- If disembarking on the road (especially if abroad), pupils should lead off coach in single file with adults at the front and rear of group. This should be done in small groups rather than one long stream.
- Staff and foster carers to be seated at varied locations throughout coach to ensure effective supervision.
- Where travel is on a UK coach / minibus abroad, clear safety instructions to be given to pupils / staff by group leader prior to disembarkation relating to opposite flow of traffic.
- Children/Young People to disembark in small groups rather than one long stream.
Falls in moving vehicle |
children/young people, staff and foster carers |
- Group members to stay seated with seatbelts fastened whilst vehicle is moving, except to go to the toilet or to supervise the pupils on the bus.
- Walk down the coach / vehicle holding seat tops at a slow pace.
Hazard observed |
Who may be harmed? |
Risk rating before controls
Consequence x Likelihood= |
Control Measures |
Risk rating after controls
Consequence x Likelihood= |
Control measures by:
Initial |
Struck by moving vehicles |
children/young people, staff and foster carers |
- Strict supervision at all times.
- Children/Young People to be appropriately supervised across any car parks / roads with stopping points chosen to minimize the need to cross car parks and / or roads.
- Pupils to be made aware of safe collection points.
- Pupils to disembark in small groups rather than one long stream
Lost / abduction |
Children/young people
- Ensure the bus driver is aware of route to be taken before setting off.
- During rest breaks Pupils to be given clearly defined areas in which to stay.
- Pupils to be in groups never on their own (minimum of three).
- Pupils should go to the toilet supervised by an adult.
- Staff to be positioned where they can see toilet entrances and to avoid possible abduction / abscission. Head counts to be taken prior to escorting pupils back to the transport and again when seated on the coach,
- Staff to patrol areas pupils are in, especially if not under direct supervision.
Sickness / medical conditions |
children/young people, staff and foster carers |
- Sick bags / buckets and appropriate paper towels and disinfectants should be carried in case of sickness. When on long journeys, children/young people who are prone to travel sickness should avoid sitting near the wheels of the bus and should sit towards to the front. They should make themselves known to staff members.
- If medication for travel sickness is taken prior to journey, ensure teachers are aware of this.
- Be aware of any allergies / medical conditions that children suffer from before visit and ensure that proper precautions are taken.
Vehicle Breakdown |
children/young people, staff and foster carers |
- Group Leader to assess risks and decide on course of action dependent on weather, communications, position of breakdown, age of pupils.
- If possible, choose a safe place to stop and get group out of vehicle if appropriate to weather, age, behaviour of pupils. Put hazard light on and call 999 if on roadside and cannot disembark.
- Vehicle to have current MOT, be regularly serviced and maintained. Ensure that vehicle breakdown cover is maintained.
- Before setting off, ensure there is enough fuel in the bus for the whole journey.
- Ensure group has means of summoning assistance in case of breakdown.
- If vehicle to be exited follow controls as per being stuck by moving vehicles.
Covid-19 |
children/young people, staff and foster carersAll Passengers |
Substantial |
- Vehicles to be fully valeted, deep cleaned and fogged to get rid of air born viruses before/after each duty.
- Thoroughly clean all the touch point with disinfectants after every use.
- Hand Sanitizers to be placed at entrance to vehicle and to be used by all boarding passengers and drivers.
- Hand should be wash wherever possible before/after.
- Face masks to be worn by drivers and all passengers unless exempt.
- Not allowed to travel if any symptoms are present.
- If any staff member is symptomatic, they will need to isolate for 10 days.
- Social distancing to be observed with current government guidelines. (2 meter distance rule will be kept on all vehicles).
- Where possible fit vehicles with driver screens.
- Various signages on the vehicle to assist passenger with social distancing, hand sanitizers etc.
- Vehicle needs to be ventilated by either opening windows, and if using air con, fresh air to be used.
Acceptable |