Blue John Cavern in Castleton, Derbyshire provides great school trip experiences such as Show Caves which have in-depth specific geological interests. The caverns within the cavern, showing stalactites, stalagmites and excellent examples of Blue John.

East Midlands

Mam Tor Castleton, Hope Valley, Derbyshire, S33 8WA

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

5 to 7 years, 8 to 10 years, 11 to 13 years, 14 to 16 years, College
Listed under: Caves & Caverns| Citizenship| Day Trip Destinations| Geography| Geology| History| Peak District School Tours| Picnic Areas| Science| Themed Attraction|
What we offer on a school trip

Blue John is a fluorite mineral, which with this rich colouration can only be found here in the World, in the historical village of Castleton, in the heart of the Peak District National Park surrounded by beautiful scenery. A very educational area, in many aspects.
What makes us a great choice for education

There are 15 known viens of Blue John in Castleton, The Blue John Cavern has 8 of them – our knowledgeable and enthusiastic Guides make for a very memorable Tour.
What is typically included on our school trips

We cater for all age groups of school trips. Question sheets can be supplied for schools and an answer page given to the teaches if required.
Group Sizes Catered For

15 upwards, large groups may be split into two on the tours.
Materials, Resources & Information Provided

We can supply question and answer sheets for key stages 1 and 2
Photography, Filming & Audio Restrictions

Yes photographs may be taken but only on certain levels where students are stationary.
Risk Assessment Details

There are discounted prices for groups of 15 and above, prices on request.
Clothing Requirements

Warm clothing, shoes with good grip.
First Aid Information

We have first aiders.
Available Facilities

Gift shop and blue john cafe, selling snacks and gifts. See links below:
Accessibility & Disabled Facilities

Not suitable for disabled children as there are 240 steps.
Opening Hours & Information

Open every day except Christmas Day weather permitting. 9.30 – 4.30 summer, 9.30 – dusk winter
See link:
Location: Mam Tor, Castleton, Hope Valley, Derbyshire S33 8WA
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