Looking for options for your School Trip or Educational Visit in the Cotswolds!
The Cotswolds is full of endless natural-filled beautiful scenic countryside located in Central South West England, Perfect for outdoor learning and wildlife spotting, the Cotswolds provides never-ending grasslands and beautiful hilled forests. Trips to the Cotswolds are brilliant for all key stages and can be beneficial for many subjects, including:
- Geography
- History
- Ecology
- Environmental science
Discover ancient history like never before and visit the burial chambers from the Neolithic period and visit the remains of the Iron Age forts. There is something for every educational group in the Cotswolds and students will have the chance to learn while having fun! For an adventurous day out, or a countryside stay, the Cotswolds has it all. So why not plan your school trip or educational visit and use are fantastic free online school directory to find a range of options from transport, accommodation options to school tours!