At UK School Trips we have a conscience and that conscience means we also want to spend our time engaging you in all the little things that can make a major difference.
At UK School Trips we have a conscience and that conscience means we also want to spend our time engaging you in all the little things that can make a major difference.
Going Green. We all need to do it and one thing that can really be pushed inside the classroom is helping children understand the importance of leading a more ecologically aware lifestyle. You may even learn a thing or two yourself! Do we really want the next generation to be a product of our negligence? I?m pretty sure that your answer is no!
It’s such a contentious issue and it?s presence in society today has left us all a bit flummoxed as to what is the best thing to do?it just seems to be soooo complicated. Everyday we hear of a new way we can ‘help the planet’ and all you people who like us have a conscience are doing your best to play your part.
It doesn?t have to be such a chore though and if everyone makes a little effort you?d be surprised how much difference it will make.
This page is dedicated to you and the environment you live in, so we?ve really gone out there to think of some simple yet very effective ways in which you can continue to reduce your Carbon Footprint and help steer the way to a greener UK.
The list is endless but we?re pretty sure that you?ve got some fantastic ideas to add and we really want this page to be as useful as possible so would love you to contact us with any new ideas or stories of success so we can make sure that everyone benefits.
Discourage leaflets, magazines and bulky directories, all schools have access to the internet and everything you need can be found with the click of a button. In fact the very fact that you are internet right now means you are alreay doing a little bit to help our planet.
Many children live within walking distance of their school, parents or supervisors should, when possible try and take a little time out and make that walk at least a few times per week.
No one wants to do more driving than they have to!! Why not find out if any of your fellow teachers live in the same area and share lifts throughout the week?
We’re all responsible for doing it, but really try to switch off all the lights when you leave a room.
It is no more costly to use energy saving light bulbs and it can make a massive difference.
Schools are generally big places and warmth will travel from room to room so keep the cold air at bay by shutting doors to the exterior, it means you can keep heating off in the summer or as low as possible in the colder months.
If you?re not using a room for some amount of time there is absolutely no point heating it.
Keep hot equipment like photocopiers away from air vents, it?s an invisible hazard and taking action can help to improve air quality.
Try to only put as much water in the kettle as really required and only boil it as and when you need it. This can cause large savings on electricity.
Did you know that on average each person uses over 200 kilograms of paper per year? (, Being Greener at School, 8th June 2007)
Schools do a huge amount of printing, causing a phenomenal amount of wastage. Think twice before printing, can your documents be shared or read off a laptop?
To raise students awareness there must be physical engagement. Allow them to visualize how much impact their efforts can have. Teach lessons on recycling. Do they understand which items are recyclable? Are they aware of alternative energy sources?
Many schools these days have a garden where children are encouraged to understand the importance of sustainability. Add a little extra by making a compost heap and teach the children what it does.
Be energy efficient, try not to leave items such as TV?s and DVD?s on standby and when you?re not using your PC don?t forget to turn it off.
This should get you on your way. Don’t forget to write in with any new ideas and personal success stories!