The Award-Winning Journey for ks3 by the National Holocaust Museum is available now with FREE tuition


29-09-2023 to 31-12-2024


FREE to Secondary Schools (Keystage 3 & 4)

WE COME TO YOU (Outreach)

We are delighted that the National Holocaust Centre and Museum is once again able to deliver our award-winning exhibition “The Journey” into your classroom. Thanks to funding from The Association of Jewish Refugees, we can offer a half or full-day tuition for free to secondary schools with above-average numbers of disadvantaged pupils. In the last school year our former teachers educated nearly 40,000 pupils nationwide. Complete our booking form now as places are limited.

During the workshop, your students discuss Jewish life and identity before the Second World War and understand the prejudice and discrimination perpetrated by the Nazi government and ordinary people. They use this knowledge to develop their own ability to think critically about the information they receive online, as well as our collective response to refugees.

Our programme comes with free lessons and resources as well as HMD activities related to this year’s theme Fragility of Freedom. You will also be invited to a live Holocaust survivor talk via zoom.

The workshop can be delivered in school or online. We can deliver to your KS3 students through a series of same-day 1-hour lessons or morning and/or afternoon workshops. If more than 30% of your students receive the Pupil Premium, tuition is entirely free (expenses are charged for in-school delivery). If not, we charge £150 per half-day for online delivery, or £175 plus expenses per half-day for in-school delivery.

Questions? Join our Teacher Facebook group, email and/or call 01623 836627.
Learn more:

A: Acre Edge Road, Laxton, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG22 0PA

The National Holocaust Centre and Museum Nottinghamshire

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