Okay, so the weather in the UK leaves a lot to be desired for a large portion of the year, naturally us long suffering adults crack up the thermostat and only venture out when we really, really have to.
Okay, so the weather in the UK leaves a lot to be desired for a large portion of the year, naturally us long suffering adults crack up the thermostat and only venture out when we really, really have to.
This certainly doesn?t apply to children at the Secret Garden nursery in North- East Fife, come rain or shine they spend their working day dressed head to toe in winter woollies and storm- busting waterproofs in the great outdoors. Headmistress, Cathy Bache got her idea from a recent trip to Norway where outdoor learning has become something of a rage!
We’ve recently had two full days with seven hours of solid rain, and the kids don?t bat an eyelid. As soon as it rains heavily here, there?s a stream comes down the wee road outside- they build damns on it. They loved it!?
Kids love being outdoors, it not only stimulates their learning process in a diverse and challenging way but also encourages an active lifestyle. This is an important message to all parents, teachers and child carers. Not one that tells you to enrol your children to an open air nursery in Fife, but one that asks you to remember what it was like to be a child. How many of you can remember Pythagoras Theorem? What about a Geography field trip? I can estimate the ratio…..