At we are very proud that many venues we work with have been amongst the first to be awarded the prestigious Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge.
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate them, say a big well done for their achievements and also to introduce them to you. These are venues that have booked with us because they currently have availabilty for educational visits and are interested in increasing their school trip bookings. There are other venues who have been awarded the badge but aren’t with us on
This badge provides for the first time a national accreditation combining the essential elements of provision – learning and safety – into one easily recognisable and trusted Quality Badge for all types of learning outside the classroom provider organisations. It is intended to assist schools in identifying external LOTC providers who deliver good quality teaching and learning experiences and manage risk effectively.
The Quality Badge will be awarded to providers who have pledged to engage in an ongoing process to sustain good-quality learning outside the classroom and who have demonstrated that they meet six quality indicators. The provider:
1. Has a process in place to assist users to plan the learning experience effectively;
2. Provides accurate information about its offer;
3. Provides activities, experience or resources which meet learner needs;
4. Reviews the experience and acts on feedback;
5. Meets the needs of the users;
6. Has safety management processes in place to manage risk effectively.
Each of these high-level indicators has a number of more detailed sub-indicators.
A package of support is now available.
At we are proud to say that we are going to be receiving training in order that we may train and support the venues we work with in order that you understand what to do in order to receive this prestigious award.
If you can offer a great learning experience at your venue or offer accommodation for educational visits and you are not currently marketed to schools, colleges, youth groups, nursery managers, childminders and families by and would like more information please contact:
For more information on the Learning Outside the Classroom Manifesto: