Leighton Hall Estate Lancashire has been owned for generations by the famous Gillow family of Lancaster and is a popular destination for school trips. This beautiful historical heritage is located in Warton, and is situated in an area of outstanding natural beauty. Leighton Hall Estate has been welcoming primary school groups for over 25 years. With its indoor and outdoor packages everything is provided for teachers who need a relaxing, safe, and entertaining educational day out for their pupils.

North West

Leighton Hall Estate, Storrs Lane, Carnforth, Lancashire, LA5 9ST

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Preschool to 11 years
Listed under: Curriculum Subject / Activity Type| Art and Design| Bird of Prey Centres| Conservation| Crafts| Day Trip Destinations| Ecology & Green Awareness| English| Enrichment Learning| Environmental Studies| Geography| Historic Buildings| Historical Heritage| History| Outdoor Education| Parks and Gardens| PE (Physical Education/Sport)| Personal Development-Mentoring| Social Skills| Storytelling| Walking and Hiking|
What does your venue offer school trips

Award winning Leighton Hall is the lived-in house of the famous furniture making Gillow dynasty. Children are invited to unravel the fascinating past of this ancient, Lancashire family.
As well as the house and grounds, Leighton has a children’s play area, brass rubbings, woodland walk, tree face trail, caterpillar maze, bee corner, Insect Hotel, gift shop and tea rooms. Birds of prey are flown on open days in the summer season (weather permitting).
Home to the Gillow Reynolds, Leighton is very much a “lived in” house, brought to life by the enthusiasm of the guides. There are no roped off areas and children are encouraged to sit on the furniture and really get involved. Perfect for their inquisitive minds, each educational package, opens up the world beyond the classroom window, for your pupils. Packed with cross curricular themes and activities, we’ll guide you through eight tailorable visits, with complementary Key Stage 1 and 2 supporting material, already fully risk assessed for you. Free and easy parking and only 10 min drive from M6 junction 35.
Historical Heritage Lancashire
Historical stately home Lancashire
Historic House Lancashire
Leighton Hall Estate Lancashire
Historical Heritage North West
What makes you a great choice for a school trip or educational visit

Unlike other historic houses and stately homes, there are no roped off areas and children are encouraged to ask questions, explore, get involved, touch things and dress up. Leighton offers two indoor learning packages, five outdoor ones and one seasonal special, all geared for between 20 and 60 KS1 or KS2 pupils. (Two of these are brand new for 2025).
Leighton Hall has a new educational hub, comprising of a purpose-built classroom, a pollinator friendly walled garden and shelter, a weather proof woodland log circle with its own fire pit and outdoor kitchen. There’s FREE detailed lesson plans to help with your project work in the classroom, pre and post visit, plus free teachers’ pack including itineraries, kit list and risk assessments.
Awards, accreditations

• Leighton Hall is a member of the Historic Houses Association
• The coveted Hidden Gem award
• Bronze Award in the ‘Making Coaches a Better Choice’ category
• Highly Commended in the Visitor Experience award at the Lancashire Tourism Awards
• All school visits approved by Lancashire County Council
What is typically included on your school trips

New for 2025
Living Like Cavemen
A Stone Age Adventure
Ideal for Key stages 1 & 2
Brand new for 2025 this exciting, hands-on experience helps children learn about the lives of early humans: how they found food, created cave drawings and made fire, and how their lives compare to ours today. Activities include fire lighting, fire safety, charcoal art, tool making and shelter building.
New for 2025
An Orchard’s Tale
A Haven for Pollinators and Wildlife
Ideal for Key stages 1 & 2
Helping children to understand the importance of apple orchards, this session highlights the vital role of pollinators in food production and the human impact on nature. Activities include role play, visiting our bee hives, collecting and pressing apples, preparing food and cooking on an open fire.
Survival Skills
Vital skills and thrills from expert hands
Ideal for Key Stages 1 & 2
Learn resilience, team-work, competences and confidence using play, exploration, and supported risk-taking. The supervised bushcraft and survival skills sessions are expertly taught and fun! Activities include shaping wood, making a shelter, lighting a fire, fire safety, and a role play “rescue”.
Seasonal Art
Creating crafts in partnership with nature
Ideal for Key Stages 1 & 2
Experience the colours, textures and patterns of the changing seasons in new light on an immersive ‘collecting from nature’ walk. Supervised activities include making fires, conker animals, whittling sticks, charcoal art and leaf-printing with natural dyes from foraged nuts, berries and fungi.
Food for Thought
Sustainable skills through to delicious discoveries
Ideal for Key Stages 1 & 2
Reconnect with where “real” food comes from, how to grow it, and changing tastes through time among Leighton’s kitchen garden vegetables, herbs, fruit and flowers. Activities include supervised foraging walk identifying edible and non-edible plants, then cooking up a foraged feast in our outdoor kitchen.
Houses and Homes
Bringing history to life
Ideal for Key Stage 1
A fascinating, immersive journey discovering how Victorian life, inventions, occupations and food evolved into 21st century family life. Activities include comparing Victorian Leighton to our own homes, bringing history vibrantly to life through role play and the tales told by Leighton’s child friendly guides.
Upstairs Downstairs
Become a Victorian for the day
Ideal for Key Stage 2
Explore what life was like for Victorian children through Leighton’s “upstairs” Gillow gentry and the families working “below stairs”. Activities include trying on their different clothes, investigating the food they ate, enjoying the games they played, and handling antique gadgets.
Victorian Christmas
Experience a Victorian Christmas
Ideal for Key stages 1 & 2 (From November)
Experience a Victorian Christmas and find out how the festive season has changed throughout the years. Compare your Christmas with that of the Victorian squire’s children and the servants who lived in the hall. Activities include a house tour, Christmas crafts, paper chains, decorations and stories by the tree.
Group sizes

Groups of between 20 and 60 are welcome all year round.
Materials provided

Free: Teachers’ notes available for pre-visit planning
Free: Teachers pack
Free: Kit list, itineraries
Free: Curriculum-linked worksheets and lesson plans for ongoing projects
Free: Downloadable worksheets to continue your learning back in the classroom
Free: Full risk assessments are completed ready for you
Risk assessment

All risk assessments are completed and free to download and print from our website:
Photography, filming & audio restrictions

Groups can take photos and videos.
Education officer details

Lucy Arthurs
01524 734474

Indoor Learning £11.50 per pupil
Outdoor Learning £13.50 per pupil
The ratio of adults to children is 1:10 – e.g. 3 adults will be admitted free of charge per 30 pupils and any additional teachers will be charged at 50% of the child cost per head.
Familiarisation visits are free of charge.
Free parking.
Clothing requirements

Wellington boots or suitable “muddy” footwear for golden time in the garden
Long sleeved top and trousers in the summer for going into the woods
Warm / waterproof coat, layers of clothes in winter
Depending on time of year: a hat, sun cream or woolly hat and gloves
Packed lunch and water bottle
First Aid

Yes, we have a first aider and our staff are first aid trained, but we welcome teachers with first aid experience and always recommend that school bring someone with them that knows about pupil’s allergies and regular medicines.
Available facilities

- Purpose built classroom
- Outdoor education hub
- Outdoor Kitchen
- Weather proof woodland circle
- Fire Pit
- Shop
- Tearoom
- Indoor and outdoor picnic area
- Indoor and outdoor activities
- Toilets
- Gift shop
- Free birds of prey display (May – September, weather permitting)
- Ice cream, cakes and treats
- Places to leaves coats and dirty wellies
- Outdoor play area
- Caterpillar Maze
- Tree Face Trail
- Woodland walk
- Pond
- Brass Rubbings
- Incest Hotel and Bee Corner
- Free and easy parking
- Child friendly guides
- Itinerary, kit list, lesson plans, risk assessment already done for you
Accessibility & disabled facilities

The Halls first floor is inaccessible for wheel chairs users. There are disabled toilet facilities, very few steps and ramps where needed.
Opening times

We are open all year round for school groups – but visits must be pre-booked.

Further information

All outdoor activities are run in partnership with Larksfoot Forest School
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