At UK School Trips we appreciate the importance of not only acting healthy but also eating healthy. A child that eats a nutritious and balanced diet will have much more chance of performing better inside and outside the classroom. Remember what mum used to say ?an apple a day keeps the doctor away?
At UK School Trips we appreciate the importance of not only acting healthy but also eating healthy. A child that eats a nutritious and balanced diet will have much more chance of performing better inside and outside the classroom. Remember what mum used to say ?an apple a day keeps the doctor away? (well?it certainly helps!)
From a young age children need to be encouraged to lead a healthy lifestyle. Where better to start this than at school itself.
The School Food Trust was established in 2005 by the Department for Education and Skills it sought to educate schools in their mission to make lunches appealing, exciting and above all- healthy. Studies revealed that children survived on diets that filled them with ?empty calories?, stemming from foods with high sugar, fat and salt content. With short and long term effects such as diabetes, tooth decay and tooth decay this is not an issue to be taken lightly.
A number of documents have been and will be issued to all schools this year to help food providers understand the standards and measures that must be taken to create a brighter and healthier future for our younger generation.
Government issued guidelines are often complicated and as a result over- looked so the School Food Trust has issued a document outlining the new changes with a more simplified approach. Phew!
To drive the message further Ofsted now monitor healthy eating in schools as part of their inspection.
A brief outline of the standards can be found below. Please visit for a more detailed breakdown.
Healthy Additions to School Lunches
More fruit and veg– Each child should be served 2 portions per day, either fruit or vegetables.
More Oily fish– this should be provided at least once every 3 weeks Healthy bread with no excess fat or oil should be provided every day
Fresh drinking water must be available for free at all times
Healthier Drink Options– There are now limits to the drinks that are permitted within school hours. These are; Still/ Sparkling water, skimmed or semi skimmed milk, fruit/vegetable juice, calcium enriched soya, rice or oat drinks, plain yoghurt drinks. Any combinations of the above are also acceptable
The Nasties taken away
No confectionary– Sweets, chocolate and chocolate coated biscuits are forbidden
Salt and Condiments restricted– Salt must not be an available option, condiments are restricted to sachets or individual servings of 10 grams/ 1 teaspoon full. Snacks are restricted- Crisps are not allowed. Nuts, seeds, fruit or vegetables with no added sugar, salt or fat are a fantastic alternative.
Deep Fried Food No more than two deep fried meals per week
Meat Products– Meats have been categorized into 4 groups. 1 meat from each group may be provided once per fortnight provided it meets certain standards.